

My name is Erica; this is me.

Studio 39 Fabrics is my 🧡   and my dream. I started my shop in 2016 while working a full-time day job and filling orders at night (I still do - I answer as many messages as I can on breaks during the work day). I have always dreamt of having my own shop and I love the opportunities it gives me to be creative, solve problems, meet wonderful people, and of course, play with beautiful fabric.

I am a wife, mama, and "Gammy" and my hope is one day, I will be able to run my shop for a living and prioritize my family at the same time. My husband and kids all help out as their time and talents allow - I couldn't do this without them.



I still do a happy dance (even if it's only in my head) and whisper a word of thanks every time an order comes in - that excitement never gets old for me. Your fabric is then lovingly cut, folded, and packaged on the beautiful prairies of southern Alberta, Canada.

I am committed to treating each customer and every order with kindness, care, and respect. Those are the values I live by and hope to convey through how I run my business. HOPFUN

If you have questions you can email me anytime at info@studio39fabrics.com and I will get back to you.

Thank you for visiting and taking time to read my story.

With kindness,
